Saturday, October 18, 2008

Paranoid Wimp ?

So I get off the train. I see the next Fillmore bus is FORTY-FIVE minutes. Crap. I'm studying the map to see night owl options, and decide to head for Market when I hear this "Hey Buddy!" There's a guy striding towards me, but he's far enough away that I can turn around and keep walking, as I notice the entire block has suddenly become deserted except for me and this fairly young (20's?), physically fit-looking guy who's more rapidly striding towards me, and I'm carrying a heavy backpack with some books and a computer, "Hey Buddy!" as he gets closer crap, I don't really want to be close to him, so I veer into the street, get honked at by a slow-moving car, but I'd rather be in their headlights than on the dark sidewalk with my new found "friend."

I keep going and he keeps following me, so I head towards the Safeway, which I'm pretty sure is open, and as I veer that direction, he says, "Don't go there." What, like I'm going to listen to somebody who is stalking me on the street?!

I get in the entry way, where it's light, and I see a security guard just inside, so I stop, and this guy is still approaching me, so I say, "What's the problem?" He's getting closer and I notice what seems like he's clinching his fist, crap, I'm not going to stand any closer to a guy clinching his fists, so I step inside the door, and say to the Security Guard, this guy's following me (sorta feeling like a timid wimp). Anyway, the Security Guard confronts him, and he's still standing there, looking sorta innocent, but also still clenching his fist, and I say, look, he's clinching his fist... so the guy opens his hand and he's got two quarters in it. So did he want a quarter, or my backpack? Hell, I dunno, but he walks into the store with the security guard and I'm glad to be rid of him, and thankful to get out on Market where there are more lights and people.

Maybe the security guard can give him advice on how to appear more kindly rather than intimidating when panhandling. ...and, does anyone really use the phrase "Hey Buddy..." in a genuinely congenial sense?


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