Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Saturday night, the back of the MUNI bus. Man, riding MUNI on Friday and Saturday nights is always annoying (see prior post "Amateur Night" 4/23/05).

There are three people in the back seat. Two guys, and someone lying across their laps. The guy on one side seems to be doing something on his lap, who knows ? After awhile, I realize a third guy is also with them. The guy who's doing something on his lap has a creepy looking face, lots of little, bloody scratches.

As I ride, the third guy seems normal, the other two, creepy, and then I notice, there are drips of blood on the floor; this is seeming more gross as the bus lurches into the night. Then, the person who's lying across their laps sits up... a woman, but there is something wrong with her. She's a bit pale, and she's shivering like she has a fever, but she's not sweating. And eventually things shift so I can see, the guy with bloody scratches all over his face has a kitten, which explains the scratches, but the woman who can't stop shivering is disturbing, as are the drips of fresh blood on the floor.

As I get off the bus, I notice that the trail of blood leads down the steps to the exit door -- probably someone else's blood. I exit and leave the shivering woman and her scratched up friend, glad I have stepped off the bus that seems bound for hell.


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