Saturday, December 23, 2006

Democracy, God, and Country !

There are many people out there fighting for "God and their Country." The problem is that they're on opposite sides, fighting for a different God, and a different country.

"Our side" has the additional spin of "fighting for democracy." But we don't really want any democracies where the "will of the people" means electing people we don't like, who may be serving Gods different from the one we believe. Somehow our "fighting for democracy" rings a bit hollow (especially on "their" ears).

"Their side" isn't trying to bomb our country into submission to Allah. They feel like they're being occupied by a foreign army with bad taste in fashion, the wrong God, oh, and trying to sell too many trinkets. On one side, God, and on the other side, Allah, are being invoked to convince people to kill each other (and themselves), by people, some of whom really just want a piece of the oil business. Who is more sincere? Were Democracy, God, and Country ever ideals, or always just a front for someone trying to get rich?


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