Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bowling in Altoona

well isn't this an odd coincidence... Obama's bowling fiasco happened in Altoona, PA, which oddly enough, is where my ex-father-in-law was from and where his ashes are buried (thanks to my credit card).

On a memorable trip, I actually visited Altoona. My ex-father-in-law's father showed me the little gun he always carries with him, "Probably not so good for killing somebody, but you could bust a kneecap with it if you needed to." I was shown various knives and guns, the old man's pride, and later, the obligatory side-trip to "Horseshoe Curve" ...well, here's Horseshoe Curve in wikipedia -- so important to national security that it was guarded by Union Troops, and later there was an attempted sabotage by Nazis ?!

Five miles west of Altoona. Huh. Wonder if Obama made the obligatory pilgramage to Horseshoe Curve? Wonder if anyone showed him their gun collection? After his remarks at an SF fundraiser, surely he must have had his ear bent by someone about their gun collection!


At 1:13 AM, Blogger mwilson said...

A side note about the Obama bowling flap: his "shameful" low score of 37 was from a seven-frame game. Sure, it's still a low score, but considering the volume of ink and hot air wasted on this subject, you'd think it only fair that somebody mention that the guy didn't even play a full game.

Reference: The United States Bowling Congress. (Incidentally, this page is also an excellent resource if you're interested in seeing every single reference to bowling made on national television programs in the month of March 2008. No joke.)


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