Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ranked Choice Voting

WTF??!!!  I've read editorial after editorial AGAINST ranked choice voting.  Most of them whining "oh,  woe,  it's TOO CONFUSING! " Now, I realize that half the population is below average intelligence. BUT how difficult is it to vote for your top THREE choices instead of just one?  Especially when there are 14 choices for mayor?! If the population can't handle that,  what about the myriad complicated and confusing ballot initiatives, some of which are INTENTIONALLY misleading and confusing?? (those are yes or no,  but what the hell does the initiative actually mean?) I can only reach the conclusion that it is primarily POLITICAL CANDIDATES who hate ranked choice voting,  because they have to play nice with their closest rivals.  Attack ads could smear both candidates,  moving them down the scale. They can't sort out the best campaign strategy when the smear campaign is eliminated as an option.
The editorials all go into the more complicated process of how votes get eliminated when there is no clear winner.  But that's really something the people counting and the politicians have to worry about. One campaign is urging people to only vote for one candidate across the board,  essentially throwing away their supporters' 2nd and 3rd options because they're afraid people are going to get confused and mark the wrong column on the ballot. I was considering voting for this candidate,  but hearing this makes me less inclined to vote for them.


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