Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Shopkeeper killed

A Yemeni shopkeeper was killed this past week, in a store a couple of blocks over. More joys of the Tenderloin. ugh. Actually, gunplay is fairly rare here, in spite of all the drug dealers and buyers.

You never know whether the killer and victim knew each other, but the circumstances often suggest some prior relationship. It was not a robbery -- the assailant came in, shot the guy and left.

Usually, there is very little threat of physical violence here; just nonviolent drug dealing, prostitution, and crackheads who will steal anything not nailed down. I would hate to be a shopkeeper here. Slime always wanders in from the street to pilfer or ask an unsavory favor, like cashing questionable checks. I guess there are enough good people in the neighborhood to keep the shops going -- they don't stand out as much as the people loitering on corners, because they move from point A to point B quickly.


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