Saturday, May 31, 2008

Voting on Tuesday

Here's how I plan to mark various issues; challenges welcome.

Props 98,99 NO on both. Prop. 98 goes too far. Prop. 99 doesn't seem to do much really (especially since I'm not a landowner, and don't have much sympathy).

Prop A NO ABSTAIN. Don't know why, but I find myself agreeing with the opponents of this measure. Why should 2/3 of the residents be exempt from contributions to education? Let them re-write something better. OK, after thinking about it; all schools are paid for by property tax, and CA is a laggard in this regard. So while the opponents argument is interesting, it doesn't stand up. However, I'm not a property owner, so I shall abstain.

Prop B YES Seems they've done their homework and come up with a solution... I think it's reasonable that the taxpayers vote on this

Props C,D,E ABSTAIN Seems a bunch of political haggling that I don't give a rats ass about, and feel I shouldn't be bothered. I can see both sides.

Prop F NO Encourages concentration of poverty to continue. 50% requirement seems arbitrary and doesn't seem to take developer's economic incentives into account.

Prop G YES In some respects, I'm bowing to the powers that be, but I trust that they've made deals that include a fair amount of public interest.

Prop H YES This vote-buying is ridiculous; what is this, Louisiana ?!


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