Sunday, February 12, 2006

Meth Casualties

If a major corporation were selling a drug that created as many problems as methamphetamines, the lefties would be in an uproar. But since it's all part of the hip drug culture, it's somehow just part of the freedom of choice allowed in a liberal urban environment.

I don't necessarily advocate a crack-down on illicit drug use. What I do advocate are finding mechanisms whereby individuals can pay the costs of their decisions before their brains become useless blobs of jello. Oh, and while you're feelin' on top of the world with that meth high, would you mind picking up a little of the trash in this neighborhood ?


At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This didn't seem to post the first time... and now watch, it'll go up twice.


Do you really think meth is regarded as hip? Or that, to the extent it is, that's a lefty thing? At any rate, to be sure, it's already getting well cracked-down on. But as with any drug, its popularity outpaces anyone's capacity to suppress its use.

So it seems like the only way to make people accountable for their social damage is to legalize the crap and tax the hell out of it, like we do with cigarettes. Internalize the costs of the externalities of the transaction.

Which ain't left - that's libertarian.

--By the way, Jim, how long has this blog *been* here? I think you've sent some of these posts around as emails... but you do have this entire shadow-life on the internet of which I am wholly ignorant. It's fascinating, seeing what I can chase down with some targeted googling.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger FRITZ said...

uh...i can assure you: as a liberal, I hate meth. I hate what it has done to my community. I hate everything about it.

Also: if we were to call for the nine factories in India to shut down and stop shipping to Mexico, the Republicans would call that 'anti-free-market'.

So, you don't make any sense.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger James Lamb said...

Are you talking about meth factories in India shipping to Mexico ? Not sure I follow your train.

Those labels (Liberal, Conservative) aren't very consistent, are they ? Everyone is a blend.


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