Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bleeding Heart Attack

Here's a guy who gives liberals a bad name -- this guy is blaming property owners on the abundance of street scum that hangs out around St. Anthony's and Glide Memorial, when in fact, this high concentration of drug addicts and ex-convicts is a direct result of services provided by those nonprofits.

Furthermore, he excoriates the property owners for evicting nonprofits, when in fact, the nonprofits were probably evicted for legitimate development reasons, or a desire to avoid having an entire, several-block homeless encampment in the heart of downtown. This is a classic, "blame the developers" knee-jerk liberal attack, shifting the blame for a more complicated problem. I'm not ready for Rush Limbaugh, but I'm afraid I see this guy as way off in left field. Maybe the Shorenstein's are "evil developers", but this article has only caused me to doubt this notion. More likely, the second-generation kids just don't have the same development sense as the first generation founder of the empire.


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