Thursday, June 30, 2005

Downtown Slime

Just why is there so much slime on the streets of downtown SF ? Because the city houses its parolees near downtown, and nonprofits own an inordinant number of buildings, in which they house people who could never otherwise be able to afford living in SF.

Why are ex-convicts and junkies inflicted upon visitors? Because no other neighborhoods want these people, and tourists don't vote -- except with their tourist dollars. So unless tourists vote their dollars elsewhere, and let city officials know that's why they're doing so, downtown will be plagued with the social problems that other neighborhoods (and towns nationwide) are strong enough to purge. They're all here.

Sure, it makes sense to house low-income hotel workers near the hotels. But for all the other people who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford living here, especially the ex-cons and junkies, there are less expensive places to house them than in prime real estate. The liberals pat themselves on the back for their tolerance, as long as the products of their policies are living in someone else's neighborhood.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Tranny Liberation

Streets of Trendyloin... One may think the revolution has occurred when men are finally free to get breast implants, put on make-up, and prance the streets in lacy underwear. I'm here to tell you, that is only the transition. Yesterday, I witnessed a sight that tells me the end of the revolution is near. S/he was around 50 years old, beer gut, boobs sagging, and a day's stubble on her face. She had thrown on a pink housecoat and slippers, and was walking down the block to pick up a pack of cigarettes. No flashy call-girl, this babe; she was a vision of a revolution nearly complete.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Homeland Security

Well, fer chrissakes, he was WHITE, after all ?!
(AP) --
On April 25, Gregory Despres arrived at the U.S.-Canadian border crossing at Calais, Maine, carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood. U.S. customs agents confiscated the weapons and fingerprinted Despres. Then they let him into the United States.
The following day, a gruesome scene was discovered in Despres' hometown of Minto, New Brunswick: The decapitated body of a 74-year-old country musician named Frederick Fulton was found on Fulton's kitchen floor. His head was in a pillowcase under a kitchen table. His common-law wife was discovered stabbed to death in a bedroom.

(but wait... didn't we let in a bunch of Cuban criminals also?)

San Francisco

In case you haven't figured out from my posts, there are two sides to the shining city by the sea: the Disneyland version, for tourists, conventioneers, and the relatively wealthy, and the behind the scenes, working City. The Disneyland version is roughly the northeast, downtown to the theater district, northward to Fisherman's Wharf and westward through the hilltops of Pacific Heights and Presidio Heights; along the edge of Land's End.

Bayview, the Mission, the Tenderloin, and the Sunset... that's where the people who have to pretend they love being servants (or know no other existence) live. Why, out in the Sunset (as a quasi-City Official calls it "the County"), there's even a faint smattering of what might even be called "middle class." It's a faint smattering, because mostly what tourists, conventioneers and the wealthy need are smiling servants.

Star Wars III

Anakin, Padme ! If you just believed in birth control, see what trouble you'd save?! ...and Anakin, see, just because joining the giant corporation (Count Dooku and the Dark Side) will give you access to major power, where does it get you?! Sure, you get yer SUV with the baby seat and pull-down DVD player, and yer executive title, but what's your excuse for killin' other people's babies?
My favorite part is the Senate debate between GW and Yoda :-)