Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Today, I was exploring the Lyon Street steps, when some loud hotshot was conducting business on his cell phone. "Yes, we're hoping to combine the benefits of social networking with a search function, so your search results will be more relevant, within the context of your social group."

Oh, just what the world needs.

"Let me tell you a little about myself. This is my fifth start-up..." Really ? They let you get away with it this many times? Does this mean the dotcom bubble didn't work, and there are still some gullible investors out there willing to give a loudmouth with a cell phone money hand over fist ?!

p.s. it's not a secret if you shout it into a cell phone in a public place, but anyone who steals that idea deserves it.

Safeway ?

Ugh. My mouth still has that weird taste in it from aspartame. Thanks Safeway (see 2nd post below).


A couple with German accents drove up to me in the Presidio and asked, "Can you tell us how to get to Lucas Studios ?"

They seemed like tourists in a rented Mustang, so I said, "Sure -- can you give me a ride there ? I'm headed that way." We drove down the hill, I pointed to the buildings, and they were disappointed.

"Can you take a tour ? Is it like Universal Studios?"

"No, it's not like Universal Studios -- all the buildings are private. See that guard shack over there ? But if you park, there's a nice park on the other side of the buildings." They weren't interested.

Universal Studios... hmmm... are you listening George ? Maybe that's something you could do with all that extra space on your hands. Might not bring in as much as the corporate rents though.

Count on Safeway

You can count on Safeway for foods that have all the latest additives and chemicals. An ad for "Fresh Baked Apple Pies" on sale caught my eye. When I buy the only apple pie left on the shelf, there's a rustic-looking label that says in big letters, "No Sugar Added." Well, that's ok, sounds fine.

I get home, and the pie has this odd sweet taste to it, so I check the fine print on the label, you know, the part you can barely read because it's so small ? Aspartame. Yuck. Thanks Safeway. I'm not diabetic, and I'd prefer plain sugar to its chemical substitute. I should have read the label more carefully. I guess the pies just don't sell as well when you put ASPARTAME in big letters instead of the clever "no sugar added," or how about "CONTAINS ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS?"

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Homeland Seriously ?

I find the postponement of passport regulations rather amusing, and fits in well with the path country is taking "yes, we're all for homeland security, as long as it doesn't interfere with our vacation plans ! "