Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Moments on MUNI

Jumped on the F Line in the Castro, an old rehabbed Italian streetcar
with nice wood interior. Next stop, two guys get on who looked like
they just stepped out of an Abercrombie and Fitch ad. One of them is
wearing a Roman gladiator helmet, made of shiny gold fabric with a crest on top of bright red fur.

Next stop, three people get on who look vaguely familiar; maybe from
Burning Man or something.

All the while, I'm listening to Stone Temple Pilots on the headphones,
and the two guys also appear to be listening to headphones.

Next, a hustler-looking guy in a bright blue dapper hat gets on. He
sits next to me and smells of some sort of alcohol. He starts talking,
it seems to no one in particular, and I can't hear him over my music. I
decide it's better that way. Since everyone is ignoring him, he starts
talking to a little boy, whose mother is not looking pleased, and even
the little boy rebuffs him.

Finally, in a last gesture to get someone's attention, the guy pulls out
a wad of cash and starts counting $50 bills. Looks like maybe $1000
cash in that wad. Real? Counterfeit? Who knows. We all watch, but
generally ignore him, and he moves to the front of the streetcar to talk
to someone else.

Between songs, I hear that the Ambercrombie model guys are speaking some
European language (German?)

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Pub Crawl

Spent the entire day pub crawling with a bunch of "naughty librarians". Nice, but can you take them home to mom? pics to follow?